Update 2007-12: SPBLinux 2.2 is on it's way:
Why should I use SPBLinux? There is knoppix, slax, puppy linux, damn
small linux ... (insert your favourite live distro here)
- If you want to customize
your own live system, SPBLinux might be of interest
- it is completely modular; only addons found in the
folders given as boot parameter are loaded
- many properties of SPBLinux can be set as boot parameter
(and the boot menu is editable)
- each addon can be changed from SPBLinux itself with the
command changeaddon
- compilation of programs is done in a chroot gentoo
environment (mostly emerge
cool_program is sufficient to compile a program for SPBLinux);
the gentoo stage3 prepared for SPBLinux 2.2 is available here.
- scripts to build the SPBLinux kernel and external modules
are found here.
A prerelease of SPBLinux 2.2pre10 (non pae) is
made available on the Sourceforge
download page.
- detailed
screenshot; for additional information read the release notes at the
- the general layout of SPBLinux 2.2 is like version 2.1 but
all programs are updated.
- kernel plus lzma compression, squashfs and aufs;
boot splash graphic.
- hardware: pentium mmx or better cpu, 256 MB RAM (64 MB in
- firefox 3.0.1, xfce 4.4.2
- with syslinux based boot menu. When kernel and initrd
ramdisk are loaded booting can continue from:
- local devices (cdrom, harddisk, usb storage device) or
from network (tftp, ftp, http, nfs, cifs, nbd, vboxsf (virtualbox
shared folder))
- if the boot device is writable the boot menu section
"fastboot" can be used: instead of loading all addons file after file,
SPBLinux gets started from 2 files (which are created on the first
fastboot run)
- new command loadaddon
which allows to load addons when SPBLinux is already running (e.g. loadaddon gimp)
- SPBLinux is prepared to run as paravirtualized guest in xen
3.1 (which usually needs the pae kernel version)
- More resources at spblinux.de/2.2 (additional modules,
kernel patches...)
Documentation: (most of
it is valid for version 2.1 and 2.2) version 2.0 is still here.; some
more documentation can be found at the wiki pages.
Key features of SPBLinux 2.1:
- loads from USB storage or other boot devices
- runs in RAM; after bootup no access to boot device required
- modular:
- basic system fits on two 1.4 MB floppy disks (Linux 2.6
with midnight commander)
- all other components are added as addons: bz2 (and sqf)
files in subfolders of folder spblinux on the boot device
- choice which addon subfolders are loaded is at boot time
(grub menu and/or grub edit); command loadaddon allows to load
addons manually when SPBLinux is running.
- SPBLinux can be built and modified inside SPBLinux
- the command changebz2 your_addon.bz2 opens the addon with
midnight commander
- if the gentoo chroot environment is installed, programs
can be emerged and compiled
- more information is in the SPBLinux Wiki
- targeted users:
- users who want to create their own customized system
- support and documentation:
- read the release notes in the download
section (click on the book symbol) and the readme files inside the
zip archives
- SPBLinux
- the basic concept of SPBLinux is explained at the SPBLinux 2.0 site
- development of SPBLinux follows the needs of its users;
if you need a hint how to add a feature to SPBLinux, feel free to use
the email address at the bottom of this page
- installation on fat formatted USB devices
- run SPBLinux and use the scrip makebootable
- to get a running copy of SPBLinux, you can download the
iso image in spb2.1-install-cd_b13.zip
SPBLinux is not intended as out of the box
solution; in this case you might want to try Puppy Linux (http://www.puppylinux.org)
which started to use USB boot devices some years ago, at the same time
when SPBLinux did.
How does SPBLinux 2.1 look like?
- with XFCE: see the screenshots
section of sourceforge
- just with X: click on the picture
in the middle on the top of this page (or here).
Releases: (back to top)
SPBLinux 2.1b14
- SPBLinux runs smoothly and fast inside coLinux:
- standard disclaimer: coLinux and the X server XMing
are beta software and might crash your pc
- Scribus
1.23 compiled for Linux runs as as window of Windows XP (screenshot)
(the package scribus-spb2-colinux-xp.zip
contains all required components)
- english (default) and german user interface
- access from SPBLinux to Windows by a shared folder
- user who want to make their own customized version of
SPBLinux/coLinux can start with minimal-spb2-colinux-xp.zip
- SPBLinux, only textmode: screenshot; (if
graphical programs are wanted the scribus package should be used as
starting point)
- ssh daemon running (default root password is root)
- optional, access from SPBLinux to Windows by a shared
SPBLinux 2.1b13 preliminary
download is here (sourceforge
download section);
included are (see also the release notes inside files download
- updated iso image of bootable install cd
- now with kernel
- choice in bootmenu between Xorg and XDirectFB
X11 server (support for intel centrino 855GM graphics,
including 1400x1050 patch; just
type e inside the bootmenu and change the resolution)
- with qtparted to create and resize partitions
(fat, ntfs, reiserfs)
- with extended makebootable script (including option to install
SPBLinux to a harddisk partition)
- with k3b, the excellent cd/dvd burning program
of KDE
- boot with the install cd, create a new
SPBLinux iso image in ram, test it with qemu and burn it (only one
cd drive needed)
- with qemu pc emulator
- some additional addons
- xfce 4.2
- mozilla firefox 1.04
- intel centrino wlan drivers
- adobe acrobat, macromedia flash player firefox plugin
- using the makebootable script SPBLinux, started
from the install cd, can be copied to a USB storage device
(see readme file inside spb2.1-install-cd_addons.zip file)
- a new gentoo stage2 in the development section
Details about configurable options are listed in /etc/spb.conf (these options are set either as kernel
bootparameter spbconf=... (grub bootmenu files) or in the
spblinux/spbcfgX (X=0,1...9) files), e.g.
- keys=ge (sets the keyboard
layout to german; currently supported: us, ge, sg, ru, pt, tr)
- x:desktop=1 and x:startprog=
( brings back the xfce desktop of SPBLinux2.1b12; if xfce
addon is loaded)
- x:desktop=0 and x:startprog=idesk and
x:startsu=1 ( which is the default setting of the install
cd, loads idesk as root superuser (idesk displays icons);
if idesk addon is loaded)
SPBLinux 2.1b12:
see the screenshots section
of sourceforge and the release notes; download
is here (sourceforge
download section);
new are:
- iso image of bootable install cd , 2004-01-02
- with qtparted to create and resize partitions
(fat, ntfs, reiserfs)
- with extended makebootable script (including option to install
SPBLinux to a harddisk partition)
- mozilla firefox 1.0 and mozilla
thunderbird 1.0, 2004-12-28
- xfce 4.2rc2 (desktop,
panel and filemanager plus Terminal from xfce goodies),
- kernel 2.6.9
- improved makebootable script (added
options to use grub shell instead of installing in two steps)
- ...
This version has been
compiled inside SPBLinux using chroot into Gentoo (on a 512 MB pentium
III machine).
